Summer in Tunisia  

The most impressive Mediterranean countries is Tunisia. It is a land of nice encounters. From the coast to the desert through deep valleys. Tunisia offers an amazing geographical wealth which makes it a great country.

The summer in Tunisia is perfect for a break filled with sun and sand, complimented perfectly by a host of purpose-built resorts. Here, you’ll find priority for everyone, whether it is sailing, diving, windsurfing, golfing or just soaking up the sun on one of the glorious Mediterranean beaches.

The summer in Tunisia equals concerts and festivals in almost every town, city and village don’t include only local or national festivals but a number of regional and also special international festivals. The Carthage International Festival is a major summertime event with dance, art, theatre, opera and classical music including many of the best artists and performers from around the Mediterranean and Arab world. This should not be confused with the important Carthage Film Festival which always be held in October. Different festivals ensures many music and dance festivals including the Carthage Jazz festival and Acapella international music festival in Tunis.


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