How manage UNESCO world heritage sites?

The Budapest Declaration was adopted by the World Heritage Committee in 2002 during its 26th Session in order to underline  the importance of an adequate management of World Heritage properties. To this end, the Declaration  invites State Parties to promote effective conservation by pursuing basic strategic goals: ensure an appropriate and equitable balance between conservation, sustainability and development, so that World Heritage properties can be protected through appropriate activities contributing to the social and economic development and the quality of life of the communities; favour communication, education, research, training and public awareness strategies; seek the active involvement of local communities at all levels in the identification, protection and management of World Heritage properties.

Nomination dossiers for inscription on the World Heritage List must, therefore, include an appropriate management plan describing the measures aimed at preserving the property’s outstanding universal value.

Is there any manual to help us?

find more at UNESCO website.

Managing Cultural World Heritage

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