ArcheoMedsites main project in the innovative management of Cultural Heritage in Mediterranean Area


The Ministry for Culture Heritage and Activities and for Tourism, through the General Direction for landscape, fine arts, contemporary architecture and art and the General Direction for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage, took part at the 20th edition of the Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel in Paris from 6th to 9th November 2014.

The participation to the event has been the occasion for an international conference, during which at the presence of Unesco Representatives, partners, international students and experts, has been presented the project ArcheoMedsites, project about cooperation between Italy, Tunisia and Lebanon – ENPI CBC Med 2007-2013. The participation has been the occasion to present, for the fist time al international level, the promotional Video about the project.

A very important event, that appointed the active role of General Direction Pabaac – MiBACT on European and International activities. “The presence of Ministry of Culture and Tourism – says Maria Grazia Bellisario, director of Ministry and responsible for the project – is part of ArcheoMedsites’ communication and capitalisation activities, in which the Italian Ministry is Lead Partner, coordinating subjects partner on the South part of Mediterranean Area, composed by Heritage National Institute of Tunisia and Ministry of Culture in Lebanon, and for the north shore composed by two Archaeological Superintendence of MiBACT  (Salerno, Avellino, Benevento e Caserta and Cagliari and Oristano), Municipalities of Carbonia, Florence and Siena Municipalities, by Federculture and by the NGO Ricerca e Cooperazione. The wish – continues Bellisario – is to create a qualified network of public institutions and experts to let cultural heritage become  real development strength.”

The first months of activities inside the project underline a real positive signal in this way and the feedback from civil part and citizens are really optimistic.

“We are very proud and satisfied by the project – says Michele Colavito, project manager – and the great participation to the conference in Paris and the interest showed, let us understand that we’re on the right direction to create, starting from cultural heritage, the conditions for a social and economical development of Mediterranean Area. Our presence in Paris – explains Colavito – underlines the importance to transfer these themes also in Continental Europe prestigious contexts, to sustain the idea that the entire European Union, represented by all the countries who has got historical relationship with Mediterranean area, has the responsibility to guide the development processes of the area”.

The Representatives of Lebanese Ministry of Culture (Assaad Seif) and of the Heritage National Institute of Tunisia (Amen Allah Lassoued) were also in Paris. They underlined the strategic importance of institutions in Mediterranean Area and of valuation and dissemination processes of cultural Heritage.






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