
Federation of Public Utilities, Culture, Tourism, Sports and Leisure

Federculture is the National federation that groups Regions, Municipalities, Local Utility Companies and all subjects that manage cultural, tourism, leisure and sports services.

Federculture supports the economical and social growing processes of local realities, promoting an efficient and effective management of museums, theatres, libraries, parks, archaeological sites and tourism as well as sports systems.

Federculture is, therefore, the national referee for foundations, associations, public companies, institutions, consortiums and public enterprises acting in the sector, always boosting their birth and supporting their development.

Federculture is:

– the operators’ association in the sector,

– the public enterprises trade union,

– a meeting point and a place of exchanging experiences,

– a channel of dialogue between institutions and private subjects.

National Employment Contract (NEC)

Federculture is a negotiating part in the first NEC of employees in the sector. NEC is a fundamental instrument for enterprises organization and efficiency, and for the promotion of service quality.

Institutional projects

Annual Report – Rapporto Annuale Federculture

To analyze the carried out dynamics and to supply up-to-date information in addition to reading keys for a better planning and management of leisure facilities.

Cultural Management Award – Premio Cultura di Gestione

In order to know, to enhance  and to reward the best practices of innovative management in the sector.

Towns of Culture – Conferenza Nazionale degli Assessori alla Cultura e al Turismo “Le Città della Cultura”

To analyse, discuss and compare. Meeting among culture and tourism councillor, companies, Government and Parliament representatives.

Ravello LAB

Ravello LAB wants to become a new think tank that focuses cultural heritage and local development as central issues of national policies. Through its innovative method, Ravello LAB wants to highlight the path that future national and international policies has to follow in order to go from the “as is” to the “to be”.

Centre-Periphery – International Call for Young Artists

To give space and promotion to new talents Federculture involves its net of Contemporary Art Museums. In Rome and all over the world the chosen works are exhibited.

Videoart Festival

A particular form of art shown in the most important Museums of Modern Art in the world.


Roberto Grossi


Lungotevere dei Mellini, 10 00193 Roma
Ph.+39 06 32 69 75 11
Fax +39 06 32 69 75 25



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